Monday, August 22, 2011

Getting THE Sale!

Congrats to the newest Person of The Week at AdLandPro! Way to go Len! Thanks to all who voted last week! 

The not-so-secret weakness of many small businesses is that they don't nurture leads as well as they should. In general, it takes seven touches before a lead is ready to buy, but most businesses
give up after one or two attempts. That adds up to a lot of missed opportunities!
Nurturing keeps you in front of leads so they'll come to you when they are ready to buy. To do this right, start by putting yourself in your prospects' shoes to determine what's important to them.
Then create content that educates and builds trust. Using this content, you can create campaigns that move prospects progressively towards the sale.
For example, after someone downloads a report from your website, add them to a nurturing campaign that invites them to schedule an appointment. Keep following up (in a friendly and helpful way) until the lead is ready to move forward. This kind of steady follow-up will have a huge impact on
your conversion rate and sales.
Then take your nurturing to the next level with intelligent automation that adapts to the prospects behavior.
You can do this by automating a series of messages built into an intelligent autoresponder campaign to build the trust necessary to get them to a buying decision. This level of responsiveness ensures that your campaigns are timely and relevant.
Len LaChapelle

1 comment:

  1. Len, you have hit the nail on the head here for sure. You certainly do have to nurture your leads since they are our bread and butter. I think we sometimes forget that.
    Great information Len. Thanks!


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