Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hocus Pocus ? No. Focus - by Philippe Moisan

Katrina invited me to post in the TGRP blog, so here is my post

It is very easy to lose focus of the things you have to do to move forward with your Internet Marketing business.
So many things try to get our attention :
  • Emails
  • Private Messages
  • Surfing on TEs
  • Buying that new hot product
  • Posting on a blog
  • Reading an article
  • Seeing a video
  • etc…
No wonder we get confused. Especially when that first dollar hasn’t been made. We go from one opportunity to another, from one article’s advice to another free eBook given if we sign up, to that awesome special offer to buy credits for a low price.
Where are your priorities ?
Define them. Take the time to list the actions that will get you closer to your goals,
When the to-do list is complete, choose an action and accomplish it. At once.
You’re not sure ? You don’t feel like ? Maybe in 30 minutes ? Right after you respond to that email from your associate ?
I’m telling you straight : what you need is self-discipline.
How does one acquire it ?
Brian Tracy wrote a book about a method that works when applied, according to him.
It is simple. Not easy. You will meet internal resistance.
The book is called “Eat That Frog”
In simple terms, the method described in the book is :
  1. Define the actions to take today
  2. Choose the one action you don’t want to do, i.e. the ugliest one, the frog Smile
  3. Accomplish that task before anything else
The rest of your day will be so much easier. After all, the other actions will be more pleasant, you just finished the worst one.
Try it. You’ll see for yourself.
The next day won’t be any easier. You’ll have a frog for that day too.
RInse and repeat. Apply the “Eat that frog” method.
They say a new habit is acquired after 21 days.
I believe doing the frog method will become second nature, after a while.
I’ll give you some feedback in future posts. I apply the method starting NOW. Smile

The Ultimate Marketing Plan

I was hungry for sales and profit

But lacked a strategic plan.

I needed a Master

to get results faster.

I called The Grand Retirement Plan

They coach me with their great clan.

About training, systems and goals

They give sound advice

Without raising the price.

The entire marketing role,

Truth be told, it takes time to get control.

I was always ‘too busy’ you know

But a tweak here and a tweak there

When I have an hour to spare

Gradually I grow

As The Grand Retirement clan keeps me aglow.

They brighten my day

Now off to the site I daresay!

To visit the ultimate marketing plan.

written by Matthew Sproston and revised by TGRP

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Philippe's latest activity for the GRP

Philippe is a very active member of APSense, and  we hope he will continue to be active with us as well. He writes and works from the heart with the passion of a champion.

If you haven't yet read anything he has posted, stop by and let him know what you think.

When Jack Nicklaus got too old to win tournaments in the PGA, what did he do ?

Buy a beach house and sip drinks for the rest of his life ?


He had enough money to live many lives. He didn't need to work.

Well his passion was golf. he continued to play in tournaments, got into that other league for older players, and ...

He designed golf courses !!!

Read the rest of his post here. (click)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Did you Get Your Email?

Happy New Year Team!! 

2011 is off to an exciting start! We have a lot of great things on the way! Make sure you stay up to date.

In case you missed Brenda's Grand Retirement Plan email update, here is the training information.
See you there!

The Goal of the Grand Retirement Plan is to provide valuable marketing techniques, tools and hands on training for our members and those seeking to build a Home Based Business and develop a lifetime of residual income.
Have you set your 2011 goals yet?
Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals
S * Specific
M * Measurable
A * Attainable
R * Relevant
T * Time-Bound

Be active, persistent and use The Grand Retirement Plan to help you achieve your Goals.

Our training will begin again next week Monday Jan. 10 at 10:00 EST.

We will be discussing why you should ping.
Click on the link below to attend:

We are going to try something new this year. The last week of each month we will spend some time working together on advertising. For January that falls on the 31st.  If you have not yet upgraded in the Grand Retirement Plan, for the first two existing members that upgrade The Grand Retirement Team will spend one half hour each advertising your link during the training session.

Take action, do the upgrade and get some help advertising your link.
Remember we have the referral contest going on, we want to help you get your referrals and give the prize money away.

We will be offering other incentives for current upgraded members to have your link advertised as well, so stay turned and make 2011 the best year of your life.